AMy Speech

WALT: write a speech
Remember to:
- followed the hamburger technique
- check that message/information/story is clear
- a have ending that is effective & finishes off the speech
- write my ideas in a logical order
- check my speech is suited to my target audience
- write my speech in my words
Lions are very interesting animals. That is why I have chosen to talk about them. My name is Farman and I am going to talk to you about The King of the Jungle.
I'm going to talk about the lion which is a predator. The lion is one of the strongest and most dangerous predators in the world. As the king of the jungle the lion have both beauty and the strength.
Lions are from the cat family and are a large tawny coloured cat.They are found in Africa and North West India.
Lion are symbols of strength and courage
and have been celebrated throughout
history for these characteristics.
Lion usually hunt at night their prey includes Antelopes, buffaloes, zebras, rhinos, hippos, crocodiles, giraffes and wild pigs.
Lion are the only big cat to live in groups called prides lion use plants to hide behind so they can hunt prey.
Lion are my favourite animals because they
are strong, fierce and kill easily. Thank you for listening.